Thursday, May 18, 2023

Communicate between components in blazor| how to interact components in blazor| blazor component

 Communicate between components in blazor| how to interact components in blazor| blazor component 

To communicate between components in Blazor, you can use various approaches depending on the relationship between the components and the direction of communication. Here are three common methods to communicate between components:

1. Parent-to-Child Communication (Property Binding):

   In this approach, the parent component passes data or properties to its child components through parameters. The child component receives the data as parameters and can use them for rendering or other operations.

   Parent Component:


   <ChildComponent MyProperty="parentData" />



   Child Component:




   @code {


       public string MyProperty { get; set; }



2. Child-to-Parent Communication (Event Callback):

   In this approach, the child component raises an event that the parent component subscribes to. When the event is triggered in the child component, it invokes the parent component's event callback, allowing the child to pass data or information to the parent.

   Child Component:


   <button @onclick="RaiseEvent">Click me</button>


   @code {


       public EventCallback<string> OnButtonClick { get; set; }


       private async Task RaiseEvent()


           await OnButtonClick.InvokeAsync("Child component data");





   Parent Component:


   <ChildComponent OnButtonClick="HandleButtonClick" />




   @code {

       private string parentData;


       private void HandleButtonClick(string childData)


           parentData = childData;




3. Service/State Management:

   In complex scenarios where multiple components need to communicate with each other, you can use a service or state management approach. This involves creating a shared service or using a state management library like Fluxor, Blazor-State, or Redux to manage and share data between components.

   Shared Service:


   public class DataService


       private string sharedData;


       public string GetSharedData()


           return sharedData;



       public void SetSharedData(string data)


           sharedData = data;






   @inject DataService dataService


   <button @onclick="UpdateData">Update Data</button>




   @code {

       private void UpdateData()


           dataService.SetSharedData("New shared data");




   In this approach, the components can access the shared service through dependency injection and retrieve or update the shared data as needed.

These are some common methods to communicate between components in Blazor. The approach you choose will depend on the specific requirements of your application and the relationship between the components involved.

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Show image in blazor| How to display image in blazor c#| working on image in blazor

 Show image in blazor| How to display image in blazor c#| working on image in blazor 

To display an image in Blazor, you can use the `img` HTML element and bind the `src` attribute to the image URL. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to display an image in Blazor:

1. Include the image file in your Blazor project: Make sure you have the image file (e.g., `image.jpg`, `logo.png`, etc.) in a location accessible within your Blazor project, such as the `wwwroot` folder.

2. Add the image tag in your component's markup: In your Blazor component's markup, add the `img` tag and bind the `src` attribute to the image URL.


<img src="images/image.jpg" alt="Image Description" />

In this example, the `src` attribute is set to the relative path of the image file. Make sure to update the path and file name to match the actual location and name of your image file.

3. Build the project: Build your Blazor project to ensure that the image file is copied to the output folder (`wwwroot` by default).

4. Verify the image display: Run your Blazor application, and the image should be displayed in the browser. The image URL will be resolved relative to the application's root URL.

Note: If you're dynamically generating the image URL or retrieving it from a data source, you can bind the `src` attribute to a property in your component's code:


<img src="@imageUrl" alt="Image Description" />

In this case, `imageUrl` is a property in your component's code that holds the image URL. Make sure to set the value of `imageUrl` accordingly.

By following these steps, you can display an image in Blazor by using the `img` tag and binding the `src` attribute to the image URL. Ensure that the image file is accessible within your project and that the correct path is specified in the `src` attribute.

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Download Excel in blazor| export Excel in blazor c#| how to export data into Excel in blazor c#

 Download Excel in blazor| export Excel in blazor c#| how to export data into Excel in blazor c#

To enable downloading an Excel file in Blazor, you can utilize the capabilities of the `FileSaver.js` library along with the `ExcelJS` library. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to implement downloading an Excel file in Blazor:

1. Install the required NuGet packages: Install the `Blazor.FileReader` and `ExcelJS` NuGet packages in your Blazor project. The `Blazor.FileReader` package allows you to read files on the client-side, while the `ExcelJS` package provides functionalities for creating Excel files.

2. Add the necessary JavaScript interop: In your Blazor project, create a new JavaScript file, for example `excelInterop.js`, and add the following code:


window.saveAsExcelFile = (fileContent, fileName) => {

    const data = new Blob([fileContent], { type: 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' });

    const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);

    const link = document.createElement('a');

    link.href = url; = fileName;;



This JavaScript code defines a `saveAsExcelFile` function that takes the file content and file name as parameters. It creates a Blob object with the file content, generates a download link, and triggers the download.

3. Create a Blazor component for generating the Excel file: Create a Blazor component, for example `ExcelGenerator.razor`, where you define the logic for generating the Excel file and triggering the download.


@inject IJSRuntime jsRuntime

<button @onclick="GenerateExcel">Download Excel</button>

@code {

    private async Task GenerateExcel()


        var workbook = new ExcelJS.Workbook();

        var worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet('Sheet 1');

        // Add data to the worksheet using ExcelJS library

        // Example: worksheet.getCell('A1').value = 'Hello, World!';

        var buffer = await workbook.xlsx.writeBuffer();

        var fileName = 'example.xlsx';

        await jsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync('saveAsExcelFile', buffer, fileName);



In this example, the `GenerateExcel` method is called when the button is clicked. It creates an instance of `ExcelJS.Workbook`, adds a worksheet, and populates the worksheet with data using the `ExcelJS` library. Finally, it writes the Excel file to a buffer, invokes the `saveAsExcelFile` JavaScript function, and passes the buffer and file name as parameters.

4. Import the JavaScript interop: In your `index.html` or `_Imports.razor` file, add the following import statement to import the JavaScript interop file:


<script src="excelInterop.js"></script>

Make sure the `excelInterop.js` file is in the same directory as your Blazor component.

By following these steps, you can generate and download an Excel file in Blazor. When the "Download Excel" button is clicked, the Excel file will be generated using the `ExcelJS` library, and the file will be downloaded to the user's device using the `FileSaver.js` library. You can customize the Excel generation logic based on your requirements, such as adding data, formatting, and formulas to the worksheet.

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Checkboxlist selected value get in blazor c#| get selected checkboxlist item values in blazor c#| checkboxlist in blazor

 Checkboxlist selected value get in blazor c#| get selected checkboxlist item values in blazor c#| checkboxlist in blazor 

To get the selected items from a checkbox list in Blazor, you can follow these steps:

1. Create a model for the items in your checkbox list: Create a class that represents the structure of each item in the list. This class should include properties for the item's value, display text, and a boolean property to indicate whether the item is selected or not.


public class CheckboxItem


    public string Value { get; set; }

    public string Text { get; set; }

    public bool IsSelected { get; set; }


2. Define a collection of checkbox items in your component: In your Blazor component, create a collection of `CheckboxItem` objects to populate the checkbox list.


private List<CheckboxItem> checkboxItems = new List<CheckboxItem>


    new CheckboxItem { Value = "1", Text = "Item 1", IsSelected = false },

    new CheckboxItem { Value = "2", Text = "Item 2", IsSelected = false },

    // Add more items as needed


3. Display the checkbox list in your component's markup: In your component's markup, use a loop to display each item in the checkbox list.


@foreach (var item in checkboxItems)



        <input type="checkbox" @bind="item.IsSelected" />




In this example, a loop is used to iterate through each item in the `checkboxItems` collection. Each item is displayed as a checkbox input with a corresponding label.

4. Get the selected items: To get the selected items from the checkbox list, you can use LINQ or iterate through the collection in your component's code.

Using LINQ:


var selectedItems = checkboxItems.Where(item => item.IsSelected).ToList();

In this example, the `Where` method is used to filter the `checkboxItems` collection based on the `IsSelected` property, and the selected items are stored in the `selectedItems` list.

Iterating through the collection:


var selectedItems = new List<CheckboxItem>();

foreach (var item in checkboxItems)


    if (item.IsSelected)





In this example, a loop is used to iterate through each item in the `checkboxItems` collection. If an item's `IsSelected` property is `true`, it is added to the `selectedItems` list.

You can perform further processing or pass the `selectedItems` list to other methods as needed.

By following these steps, you can get the selected items from a checkbox list in Blazor by binding each checkbox to a boolean property in a model class and checking the `IsSelected` property of each item in your component's code.

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Use checkbox in blazor| how to check checkbox item is checked in blazor c#

 Use checkbox in blazor| how to check checkbox item is checked in blazor c#

In Blazor, you can check whether a checkbox is checked or not by binding it to a boolean property and accessing the property's value in your component's code.

 Here's an example:

1. Define a boolean property in your component's code:


private bool isChecked = false;

2. Bind the checkbox to the boolean property in your component's markup:


<input type="checkbox" @bind="@isChecked" />

In this example, the `@bind` directive is used to bind the checkbox to the `isChecked` property. This establishes a two-way binding between the checkbox's checked state and the `isChecked` property.

3. Access the `isChecked` property in your component's code:


if (isChecked)


    // Checkbox is checked

    // Perform the desired logic




    // Checkbox is not checked

    // Perform alternative logic if needed


In your component's code, you can access the `isChecked` property and perform the desired logic based on its value. If `isChecked` is `true`, it means the checkbox is checked. If `isChecked` is `false`, it means the checkbox is not checked.

You can use the `isChecked` property in conditionals, pass it to other methods, or bind it to other UI elements to control their behavior based on the checkbox's state.

By following these steps, you can determine whether a checkbox is checked or not in Blazor by binding it to a boolean property and checking the property's value in your component's code.

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Upload file image or Excel in blazor| upload image in Excel| upload Excel in blazor c#| upload file in blazor

Upload file image or Excel in blazor| upload image in Excel| upload Excel in blazor c#| upload file in blazor 

To enable file uploads in Blazor, you can use the `InputFile` component provided by Blazor. The `InputFile` component allows users to select and upload files from their local system. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to implement file upload in Blazor:

1. Add the `InputFile` component to your component's markup: In your Blazor component's markup, add the `InputFile` component.


<InputFile OnChange="HandleFileSelected" />

In this example, the `InputFile` component is added, and the `OnChange` event is bound to the `HandleFileSelected` method.

2. Handle the file selection event: In your component's code, create a method to handle the file selection event. This method will be triggered when a file is selected by the user.


private async Task HandleFileSelected(InputFileChangeEventArgs e)


    var file = e.File;

    // Process the file (e.g., upload to server, read contents, etc.)

    // You can access the file name, size, and content using properties like file.Name, file.Size, file.Data

    // You can also access the file content as a Stream using file.OpenReadStream()

    // Perform the necessary logic based on your requirements


In this example, the `HandleFileSelected` method is declared with the `async` keyword to allow asynchronous processing. The `InputFileChangeEventArgs` argument provides access to the selected file. You can perform the necessary logic with the file, such as uploading it to a server, reading its contents, or performing any custom processing.

3. Access file metadata and content: Inside the `HandleFileSelected` method, you can access various properties of the selected file, such as `file.Name`, `file.Size`, and `file.Data`. You can also access the file content as a `Stream` using `file.OpenReadStream()`. Use these properties and methods to perform the required operations on the selected file.

4. Optional: Display file information to the user: If you want to display the selected file information to the user, you can add HTML elements or Blazor components in your markup to present the relevant details.


@if (file != null)


    <p>Selected file: @file.Name</p>

    <p>File size: @file.Size bytes</p>


In this example, the file information is displayed to the user if a file has been selected.

By following these steps, you can enable file uploads in Blazor using the `InputFile` component. You can handle the file selection event, access the file metadata and content, and perform the required processing based on your application's needs.

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Bind API data into Datagrid blazor| bind data from API to datagrid blazor| call API and bind in blazor Datagrid.

Bind API data into Datagrid blazor| bind data from API to datagrid blazor| call API and bind in blazor Datagrid.

To bind data from an API to a DataGrid in Blazor, you need to follow these steps:

1. Create a model for your API response: Create a class that represents the structure of the data returned by the API. The properties in this class should match the fields in the API response.


public class ApiResponseModel


    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public int Age { get; set; }

    // Add other properties as needed


2. Inject the `HttpClient` service: In your Blazor component, inject the `HttpClient` service using the `@inject` directive.


@inject HttpClient httpClient

3. Retrieve data from the API: In your component's code, create a method to retrieve the data from the API using the `HttpClient` service.


private async Task<List<ApiResponseModel>> GetDataFromApi()


    var response = await httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<List<ApiResponseModel>>("");

    return response;


In this example, the `GetDataFromApi` method uses the `GetFromJsonAsync` method of `HttpClient` to send a GET request to the specified API endpoint and retrieve the data. The response is deserialized into a list of `ApiResponseModel` objects.

4. Bind the DataGrid to the API data: In your component's markup, use the `DataGrid` component and bind it to the API data.


<DataGrid Data="@apiData">


        <DataGridColumn Field="@nameof(ApiResponseModel.Name)" Title="Name" />

        <DataGridColumn Field="@nameof(ApiResponseModel.Age)" Title="Age" />

        <!-- Add other columns as needed -->



In this example, the `Data` property of the `DataGrid` component is bound to the `apiData` property in your component. The `DataGridColumns` section defines the columns to be displayed in the grid, and each `DataGridColumn` specifies the field to bind to and the column title.

5. Load the data in your component: In the `OnInitializedAsync` method or any other suitable lifecycle method of your component, call the `GetDataFromApi` method and assign the returned data to the `apiData` property.


private List<ApiResponseModel> apiData;

protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()


    apiData = await GetDataFromApi();


In this example, the `OnInitializedAsync` method is overridden, and the `GetDataFromApi` method is called to retrieve the data and assign it to the `apiData` property.

By following these steps, you can bind data from an API to a DataGrid in Blazor. The `HttpClient` service allows you to fetch the data from the API, and the `DataGrid` component takes care of displaying the data in a tabular format.

Thanks for learning. Happy learning..

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Blazor drawback| drawback of blazor| Disadvantage of blazor in c#

  Blazor drawback| drawback of blazor| Disadvantage of blazor in c# While Blazor offers many advantages, it also has a few drawbacks to cons...