Showing posts with label C# Class Object. Show all posts
Showing posts with label C# Class Object. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

C# Class|What is class in C#|What is class in C sharp

What is class in C#?
Class is keyword in C# by that keyword we are going to create new data type that data type can support multiple data types.
It can support integer,string,flot,double --etc. Class is basically template or we can say that by the use of class keyword we 
are going to create template and that template contains bundle of logical data like Method,Variable,Properties etc.
class provides us Inheritance concept,polymorphism. when you write the class keyword it makes a blueprint , or template where we are going to 
write our logic variables,properties,method,event.class and object both are the basic concept of oops.

Why Class is?
What is class in C#
What is class in C#

If we recall C language everything we are going to write at one place where code is not in proper way or we can say that 
code is not synchronized way another thing is that let if we write lac lines of code and we have get some error so it's a tough for finding 
issue that's why we are searching some place where we write different different unit of code at same place and unit testing is easier and 
class comes into this picture. class gives me code block future where we write clean and separate code and easy to find bug.

Write a Class:

Class <Class Name>

class ClsEmployee
  // Here in ClsEmployee having cls is nothing it just like a coding standard which is followed by the's your choice
// You can simply write Employee also.
Access Modifier:
If we are talking about access modifier, access modifiers are gives us security that means if any class,variables and method are used access 
modifier which is given above so according to modifier it's define own access area.
By default class in C# is 'Internal'.

What is Oops in C#
C# all major topic

For Interview:
1. Class is reference type which is stored in heap memory. is keyword in c# by that keyword we are going to create new data type that data type can support multiple data types.
it can support integer,string,float,double etc.
3. By default class in C# is Internal
4. Class contains bundle of logic like variables,Method,Properties,Events etc.
5. Class give us concept of Base class and Derived Class so that we are going to achieve Inheritance model.

I recommended that also learn below article further.
What is Class in C#
Oops in C# all major topic.

 Thanks for learning have a nice day.
If you have any query kindly let me know.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Oops Concept

  • What is Oops | Oops Concept in C# | Oops Concept in C Sharp

Oops concept in C#
Oops concept in C#

 Ans: Oops acronym is Object oriented programming system. It is nothing basically Oops provides us some rules and regulations or you can say that oops provides some principle. how we are going to interact with an object,achieve Encapsulation,Abstraction,Polymorphism,Inheritance..etc.

Oops that means an Object which contains data,fields,properties,function/method, variable etc. or we can say that simply An object contains code logic and perform logical operations. The main future of oops (object oriented programming) is it implements real world entities like Polymorphism,Inheritance,Abstraction and Encapsulation. It also provides us security how we can access an object data from another class.
Oops concept in C# | Oops concept in C Sharp
Oops concept in C# | Oops concept in C Sharp

For Interview    
First of all oops is basically provides me some principle which is need to follow in entire application.
oops teach us how we are going to use encapsulation, creation of an object,Abstraction,Inheritance,Polymorphism ..etc. how we are going to play with an object.

Oops is basically depends on four pillar  
  1. Encapsulation
  2. Abstraction
  3. Polymorphism
  4. Inheritance 
I recommended all oops Concept are given below, you are going to learn one by one: 

Oops concept in C#

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