Thursday, May 18, 2023

Download Excel in blazor| export Excel in blazor c#| how to export data into Excel in blazor c#

 Download Excel in blazor| export Excel in blazor c#| how to export data into Excel in blazor c#

To enable downloading an Excel file in Blazor, you can utilize the capabilities of the `FileSaver.js` library along with the `ExcelJS` library. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to implement downloading an Excel file in Blazor:

1. Install the required NuGet packages: Install the `Blazor.FileReader` and `ExcelJS` NuGet packages in your Blazor project. The `Blazor.FileReader` package allows you to read files on the client-side, while the `ExcelJS` package provides functionalities for creating Excel files.

2. Add the necessary JavaScript interop: In your Blazor project, create a new JavaScript file, for example `excelInterop.js`, and add the following code:


window.saveAsExcelFile = (fileContent, fileName) => {

    const data = new Blob([fileContent], { type: 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' });

    const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);

    const link = document.createElement('a');

    link.href = url; = fileName;;



This JavaScript code defines a `saveAsExcelFile` function that takes the file content and file name as parameters. It creates a Blob object with the file content, generates a download link, and triggers the download.

3. Create a Blazor component for generating the Excel file: Create a Blazor component, for example `ExcelGenerator.razor`, where you define the logic for generating the Excel file and triggering the download.


@inject IJSRuntime jsRuntime

<button @onclick="GenerateExcel">Download Excel</button>

@code {

    private async Task GenerateExcel()


        var workbook = new ExcelJS.Workbook();

        var worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet('Sheet 1');

        // Add data to the worksheet using ExcelJS library

        // Example: worksheet.getCell('A1').value = 'Hello, World!';

        var buffer = await workbook.xlsx.writeBuffer();

        var fileName = 'example.xlsx';

        await jsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync('saveAsExcelFile', buffer, fileName);



In this example, the `GenerateExcel` method is called when the button is clicked. It creates an instance of `ExcelJS.Workbook`, adds a worksheet, and populates the worksheet with data using the `ExcelJS` library. Finally, it writes the Excel file to a buffer, invokes the `saveAsExcelFile` JavaScript function, and passes the buffer and file name as parameters.

4. Import the JavaScript interop: In your `index.html` or `_Imports.razor` file, add the following import statement to import the JavaScript interop file:


<script src="excelInterop.js"></script>

Make sure the `excelInterop.js` file is in the same directory as your Blazor component.

By following these steps, you can generate and download an Excel file in Blazor. When the "Download Excel" button is clicked, the Excel file will be generated using the `ExcelJS` library, and the file will be downloaded to the user's device using the `FileSaver.js` library. You can customize the Excel generation logic based on your requirements, such as adding data, formatting, and formulas to the worksheet.

Thanks for learning. Happy learning..

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