Thursday, May 18, 2023

Bind API data into Datagrid blazor| bind data from API to datagrid blazor| call API and bind in blazor Datagrid.

Bind API data into Datagrid blazor| bind data from API to datagrid blazor| call API and bind in blazor Datagrid.

To bind data from an API to a DataGrid in Blazor, you need to follow these steps:

1. Create a model for your API response: Create a class that represents the structure of the data returned by the API. The properties in this class should match the fields in the API response.


public class ApiResponseModel


    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public int Age { get; set; }

    // Add other properties as needed


2. Inject the `HttpClient` service: In your Blazor component, inject the `HttpClient` service using the `@inject` directive.


@inject HttpClient httpClient

3. Retrieve data from the API: In your component's code, create a method to retrieve the data from the API using the `HttpClient` service.


private async Task<List<ApiResponseModel>> GetDataFromApi()


    var response = await httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<List<ApiResponseModel>>("");

    return response;


In this example, the `GetDataFromApi` method uses the `GetFromJsonAsync` method of `HttpClient` to send a GET request to the specified API endpoint and retrieve the data. The response is deserialized into a list of `ApiResponseModel` objects.

4. Bind the DataGrid to the API data: In your component's markup, use the `DataGrid` component and bind it to the API data.


<DataGrid Data="@apiData">


        <DataGridColumn Field="@nameof(ApiResponseModel.Name)" Title="Name" />

        <DataGridColumn Field="@nameof(ApiResponseModel.Age)" Title="Age" />

        <!-- Add other columns as needed -->



In this example, the `Data` property of the `DataGrid` component is bound to the `apiData` property in your component. The `DataGridColumns` section defines the columns to be displayed in the grid, and each `DataGridColumn` specifies the field to bind to and the column title.

5. Load the data in your component: In the `OnInitializedAsync` method or any other suitable lifecycle method of your component, call the `GetDataFromApi` method and assign the returned data to the `apiData` property.


private List<ApiResponseModel> apiData;

protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()


    apiData = await GetDataFromApi();


In this example, the `OnInitializedAsync` method is overridden, and the `GetDataFromApi` method is called to retrieve the data and assign it to the `apiData` property.

By following these steps, you can bind data from an API to a DataGrid in Blazor. The `HttpClient` service allows you to fetch the data from the API, and the `DataGrid` component takes care of displaying the data in a tabular format.

Thanks for learning. Happy learning..

If you have any queries or suggestion please comment the same...

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