Thursday, May 18, 2023

What is Blazor| Blazor| Blazor in c#


What is Blazor| Blazor| Blazor in c#?

Blazor is a web framework developed by Microsoft that allows developers to build interactive web applications using C# instead of JavaScript. It is based on the concept of WebAssembly, which is a binary instruction format that can be executed by modern web browsers. Blazor enables developers to write client-side web applications entirely in C# or other .NET languages, eliminating the need for JavaScript for front-end development.

Blazor provides a component-based architecture where developers can create reusable UI components using C# and Razor syntax, which is similar to HTML with embedded C# code. These components can be composed to build complex web applications. Blazor also offers a rich set of features such as data binding, routing, forms validation, dependency injection, and event handling.

There are two main flavors of Blazor: Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly. Blazor Server runs the application logic on the server and uses SignalR to establish a real-time connection with the browser, allowing for interactive user interfaces. Blazor WebAssembly, on the other hand, runs the application entirely in the browser using WebAssembly, providing a more client-side experience.

Blazor has gained popularity among .NET developers as it allows them to leverage their existing knowledge of C# and .NET ecosystem to build modern and performant web applications. It provides a productive and familiar development experience and integrates seamlessly with other .NET technologies and libraries.

Thanks for learning. Happy learning..

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