Thursday, May 18, 2023

Blazor life cycle| Life cycle of blazor C#


Blazor life cycle| Life cycle of blazor  

In Blazor, the life cycle refers to the sequence of events that occur during the creation, rendering, and disposal of a Blazor component. Understanding the component life cycle is important for managing state, performing initialization and cleanup tasks, and controlling the flow of data and UI updates. 

Here is an overview of the life cycle stages of a Blazor component:

1. **Initialization**: During this stage, the component is initialized and its parameters and dependencies are set. The `OnInitialized` method is called, and you can perform initialization tasks such as setting initial values, fetching data, or subscribing to events.

2. **Rendering**: In this stage, the component is rendered to the UI. The `BuildRenderTree` method is called to build the component's render tree, which represents the structure of the UI. The render tree is then used to generate the HTML that is sent to the browser. The rendering stage can occur multiple times, triggered by events or changes in component state.

3. **Update**: When a component's state or parameters change, an update is triggered. The `OnParametersSet` method is called, allowing you to react to parameter changes and update the component's internal state or perform other tasks. The component is then re-rendered, and the updated UI is sent to the browser.

4. **Event Handling**: During the rendering stage, user interactions or other events can trigger event handlers in the component. These event handlers can modify the component's state or trigger further updates.

5. **Disposal**: When a component is no longer needed or is removed from the UI, the disposal stage occurs. The `Dispose` method is called, allowing you to perform cleanup tasks such as releasing resources, unsubscribing from events, or canceling asynchronous operations.

It's important to note that the life cycle of a Blazor component can differ depending on whether you're using Blazor Server or Blazor WebAssembly. In Blazor Server, the component's state is managed on the server and the UI is updated over a SignalR connection. In Blazor WebAssembly, the component's state is managed locally in the browser. However, the basic life cycle stages remain similar in both scenarios.

By understanding the life cycle stages, you can effectively manage component state, handle updates, and ensure proper initialization and cleanup of resources in your Blazor applications.

Thanks for learning. Happy learning..

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