Saturday, May 13, 2023

Types of inheritance in c#| inheritance in c#| inheritance types in c#

 Types of inheritance in c#

In C#, there are several types of inheritance that can be used to create a hierarchy of classes:

1. Single inheritance: This is the simplest and most common type of inheritance. In single inheritance, a class inherits from a single base class. For example:

class Animal


    public void Eat()


        Console.WriteLine("The animal is eating");



class Dog : Animal


    public void Bark()


        Console.WriteLine("The dog is barking");



In this example, the "Dog" class inherits from the "Animal" class.

2. Multi-level inheritance: This occurs when a derived class inherits from a base class that itself inherits from another base class. For example:

class Animal


    public void Eat()


        Console.WriteLine("The animal is eating");



class Mammal : Animal


    public void DrinkMilk()


        Console.WriteLine("The mammal is drinking milk");



class Dog : Mammal


    public void Bark()


        Console.WriteLine("The dog is barking");



In this example, the "Mammal" class inherits from the "Animal" class, and the "Dog" class inherits from the "Mammal" class.

3. Hierarchical inheritance: This occurs when two or more derived classes inherit from a single base class. For example:

class Animal


    public void Eat()


        Console.WriteLine("The animal is eating");



class Dog : Animal


    public void Bark()


        Console.WriteLine("The dog is barking");



class Cat : Animal


    public void Meow()


        Console.WriteLine("The cat is meowing");



In this example, both the "Dog" and "Cat" classes inherit from the "Animal" class.

4. Multiple inheritance (not supported in C#): This occurs when a class inherits from two or more base classes. However, C# does not support multiple inheritance directly. Instead, you can achieve similar functionality using interfaces, which are similar to abstract classes that define a contract that implementing classes must follow.

In summary, the types of inheritance in C# include single inheritance, multi-level inheritance, and hierarchical inheritance. While multiple inheritance is not supported in C#, you can use interfaces to achieve similar functionality.

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