Saturday, May 13, 2023

Multicast delegate in c#| Delegate| multicast delegate

What is a multicast delegate in c#?

 In C#, a multicast delegate is a special type of delegate that can have multiple methods assigned to it. When a multicast delegate is invoked, all the methods that have been assigned to it are called in the order in which they were added.

To create a multicast delegate, you simply use the "+" operator to combine two or more delegate instances of the same type. Here is an example:

delegate void MyDelegate();

void Method1()




void Method2()




MyDelegate multicastDelegate = new MyDelegate(Method1);

multicastDelegate += new MyDelegate(Method2);

multicastDelegate(); // outputs "Method1" and "Method2"

In this example, we define two methods called "Method1" and "Method2", and create two delegate instances that reference them. We then combine the two delegate instances using the "+" operator to create a multicast delegate. When we invoke the multicast delegate, both "Method1" and "Method2" are called in the order in which they were added.

Multicast delegates are commonly used in C# to implement event handlers, where multiple methods may need to be notified when an event occurs. They provide a convenient way to combine multiple event handlers into a single delegate, making it easy to add or remove event handlers dynamically at runtime.

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