Explain Object, var and dynamic keyword in c#
In C#, `object`, `var`, and `dynamic` are all used to declare variables, but they have different meanings and uses.
`object` is a reference type that represents the base type of all other types in .NET. When a variable is declared as `object`, it can hold any type of value, including value types and reference types. However, because it is a reference type, boxing and unboxing can occur when values are assigned or retrieved from the variable.
object myObject = "Hello";
int myInt = (int)myObject; // InvalidCastException - cannot unbox string as int
`var` is an implicit type that allows the compiler to infer the type of the variable based on the value that is assigned to it. The type of the variable is determined at compile time, and once it is determined, it cannot be changed. `var` can only be used for local variables, not for fields, method parameters, or return types.
var myString = "Hello"; // inferred to be of type string
var myInt = 42; // inferred to be of type int
`dynamic` is a type that allows for late binding and dynamic typing. Variables declared as `dynamic` are resolved at runtime rather than at compile time, which allows for more flexibility in how they are used. This can be useful in scenarios where the type of an object is not known until runtime, or when working with dynamic languages such as JavaScript or Python.
dynamic myObject = "Hello";
int myInt = (int)myObject; // compiles successfully, but throws RuntimeBinderException at runtime
In general, `object` is used when the type of the variable is not known at compile time, `var` is used for local variables where the type can be inferred, and `dynamic` is used in scenarios where late binding and dynamic typing are required.