What is a collection in c#?
In C#, a collection is a group of related objects or values that can be accessed and manipulated as a single unit. Collections provide a way to store, organize, and retrieve data efficiently, and are an important part of the .NET Framework.
C# provides a number of built-in collection classes that implement various data structures, such as arrays, lists, queues, stacks, dictionaries, and sets. These classes are defined in the `System.Collections` and `System.Collections.Generic` namespaces.
Here are some examples of built-in collection classes in C#:
- `Array`: a fixed-size collection of elements of the same type
- `List<T>`: a dynamic-size list of elements of type `T`
- `Queue<T>`: a collection of elements that supports adding and removing elements in a first-in-first-out (FIFO) order
- `Stack<T>`: a collection of elements that supports adding and removing elements in a last-in-first-out (LIFO) order
- `Dictionary<TKey, TValue>`: a collection of key-value pairs, where each key is unique
- `HashSet<T>`: a collection of unique elements, where the order is not guaranteed
C# also supports custom collection classes that can be defined by the programmer. These classes can implement any data structure and can provide custom behavior and functionality. To create a custom collection class in C#, you can implement one of the collection interfaces, such as `IEnumerable`, `ICollection`, or `IList`, and provide the necessary methods and properties to implement the desired behavior.
Overall, collections are a powerful and essential tool for managing data in C# and are used extensively in many types of applications, from simple console programs to large-scale enterprise systems.