Sunday, October 3, 2021

Dot Net Framework |What is .NET framework with example?| dot net interview questions for experienced| net framework interview questions for 10 years experience|What is NET Framework in C# interview questions and answers?

 What is .NET framework with example?| dot net interview questions for experienced| net framework interview questions for 10 years experience

Dot Net Framework |What is .NET framework with example?| dot net interview questions for experienced| net framework interview questions for 10 years experience | What is NET Framework in C# interview questions and answers?

What is .NET framework? :

First of all dot net is technologies which is developed by Microsoft in the year of 2000. Dot net technology is provide code execution environment where we can develop different types application like 

1. Console based application

2. it could be web based application

3. it could be windows based application

4. it could be services which is known as web service

5. Also we can develop WCF service ..etc.

Dot net framework is mainly written using of C# (C Sharp),F# (F Sharp),VB (Visual Basic) language.

Whenever we are going to write the code in dot net framework by using of C#,F# or VB language first comes CLR (Common Language Time) which convert the code into the Intermediate Language and other task of framework done by the CLR. than JIT (Just in time compiler) comes into the picture which is convert intermediate language into machine language code. JIT is part of Common Language run time compiler (CLR). so that we can say Dot net Framework is managed execution environment. finely when code is executed we have got either .exe or .dll file.   


CLR: CLR Stands Common Language Time which provide Memory management. If we are talking about memory management in other language it's a too difficult which was done by developer forcefully like memory cleaning when an object allocate into the memory and his work has finished than forcefully we have need to clear memory or can say deallocate memory. so in dot net framework all memory management related task done by the Common Language Run Time  like memory allocation and deallocation work. As I say in many programming language developers are responsible for allocating and releasing memory and for handling object lifetime. And as I know Common Language Run Time is also responsible to convert code into Intermediate language which is also known as IL .

  IL (Intermediate Language)


     1. Assembly : (Assembly contains collection of data that describes how the elements in the assembly relate to each other. Assembly having maintain version Assembly version, File version, unique id which is in the form of GUID)

     2.  Manifest: (Manifest contains all the assembly versions requirement and security identity related information. the Assembly manifest can be stored in the form of Portable executable file or dynamic link. we can say that manifest just like a Text file which contains all the version and security related information which helps to resolve reference to resources and classes. )

    3. Metadata: (Metadata is define in binary format, which is describing program information stored in portable executable file or dynamic link library. metadata basically provide details about assembly data types like name, visibility, base class and interface)

    4. IL and Resource: (Intermediate Language )

Saturday, October 2, 2021

SQL Server Views|sql tutorial for experienced| sql server views performance| sql server views vs tables|How to create a view in SQL Server Management Studio|Types of views in SQL Server

 SQL Server Views

Sql Server View Dotnetshala
SQL Server Views|sql tutorial for experienced| sql server views performance| sql server views vs tables|How to create a view in SQL Server Management Studio|Types of views in SQL Server

Summary: In this tutorial, you will learn about views and how to manage views such as creating a new view, removing a view, and updating data of the underlying tables through a view.

When you use the Select statement to query data from one or more tables, you get a result set

For example, the following statement returns the product name, brand, and list price of all products from the tbl_customer and tbl_MemberType tables:

Query:  select ISNULL(CU.FirstName,'') [First Name],ISNULL(CU.LastName,'') [Last Name],ISNULL(CU.MembershipId,'') [Membership Id],ISNULL(MT.MemberType,'') [Member Type] from tbl_Customer CU WITH(NOLOCK) JOIN tbl_MemberType MT WITH(NOLOCK) ON MT.MemberTypeId=CU.MemberTypeId

Next time, if you want to get the same result set, you can save this query into a text file, open it, and execute it again. SQL Server provides a better way to save this query in the database catalog through a view. A view is a named query stored in the database catalog that allows you to refer to it later.

So the query above can be stored as a view using the Create View statement as follows:

Create View Vw_GetCustomerDetails


select ISNULL(CU.FirstName,'') [First Name],ISNULL(CU.LastName,'') [Last Name],ISNULL(CU.MembershipId,'') [Membership Id],ISNULL(MT.MemberType,'') [Member Type] from tbl_Customer CU WITH(NOLOCK) JOIN tbl_MemberType MT WITH(NOLOCK) ON MT.MemberTypeId=CU.MemberTypeId

And now you are going to get Customer Details from View:

Query: Select * from Vw_GetCustomerDetails

When receiving this query, SQL Server executes the following query:

Select * from (

select ISNULL(CU.FirstName,'') [First Name],ISNULL(CU.LastName,'') [Last Name],ISNULL(CU.MembershipId,'') [Membership Id],ISNULL(MT.MemberType,'') [Member Type] from tbl_Customer CU WITH(NOLOCK) JOIN tbl_MemberType MT WITH(NOLOCK) ON MT.MemberTypeId=CU.MemberTypeId


By definition, views do not store data except for indexed view.

A view may consist of columns from multiple tables using joins or just a subset of columns of a single table. This makes views useful for abstracting or hiding complex queries.

Advantages of views:


You can restrict users to access directly to a table and allow them to access a subset of data via views.

For example, you can allow users to access customer name, phone, email via a view but restrict them to access the bank account and other sensitive information.


A relational database may have many tables with complex relationships e.g., one-to-one and one-to-many that make it difficult to navigate.

However, you can simplify the complex queries with joins and conditions using a set of views.


Sometimes, you need to write a complex formula or logic in every query.

To make it consistent, you can hide the complex queries logic and calculations in views.

Once views are defined, you can reference the logic from the views rather than rewriting it in separate queries.

Managing views in SQL Server

  • Creating New View– show you how to create a new view in a SQL Server database.
  • Remaining a View– learn how to rename a view using the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or Transact-SQL command.
  • Listing views in sql server– discuss the various way to list all views in a SQL Server Database.
  • Getting view information– how to get information about a view.
  • Removing a view– guide you how to use the DROP VIEW statement to remove one or more views from the database.
  • Creating an indexed view – show you how to create an indexed view against tables that have infrequent data modification to optimize the performance of the view.

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